19 August 2020 • 1 min read
19 August 2020 • 1 min read
Welcome to the next Agile Reading meetup!
Our mission is to grow the Agile community in Reading and share new trends and techniques in the Agile world.
CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, recently said: “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.” A statement that rings true for the British supermarket chain, Waitrose.
Join us for this month’s Agile Reading meetup where Dave Wood, Agile Delivery Manager at Waitrose, shares a real-world example of the impact COVID-19 has on Agile product development. needed to adapt to the challenges posed by COVID-19, successfully delivering a five-month project in just six weeks. How did this happen, and what can we learn from this project? Dave will answer those questions and more at the next online Agile Reading meetup.
Dave is a Director at Hout Agile and an Agile Delivery Manager at Waitrose. He’s an Agile Evangelist, Coach and Delivery Lead (PSM II, PSPO I) who works with organisations to unlock their potential and improve delivery effectiveness. Dave has a wide range of transformation experience, from working with development teams, project managers, architects, and business stakeholders helping them implement Agile techniques in the real world.
17.45: Join online and introductions
18.00: Waitrose: A Case Study On Project Momentum During COVID-19, with Dave Wood
19:15: Announcements and close