We were brought in to work in a blended team with the Evri Innovation Team to turn their proof of concept (PoC) into a working prototype at a speed that would allow Elmo to be tested in the real world ahead of peak season, and validate if Elmo will realise the intended business value.
We created a three-phase approach to taking the existing PoC and creating a working prototype to test the core hypothesis. The three phases were: ‘productionise’, ‘increase quality’, and ‘feature enhancements’.
The ‘productionise’ phase focused on making the application fit for trial by embedding best coding practices, carrying out performance testing, defining and implementing success metrics, improving stability, ensuring consistent and correct answers to frequently asked questions, introducing standard disclaimers, improving the user interface and blocking sensitive data. Additionally, the team ensured that answers returned by Elmo were only from content within the provided documents and not other sources.
The ‘increase quality’ phase focused on improving the quality of Elmo's responses by introducing context-aware splitting, refining the prompt passed into the solution for further context, and introducing a feedback loop to allow users to provide feedback on the quality of the answer provided by Elmo.
The ‘feature enhancements’ phase focused on introducing features that add a "wow" factor, such as allowing couriers to use their voice to ask questions of Elmo and have the answer read out to them. This functionality reduces the need for couriers to interact via the screen of their device and speeds up the interaction time.