Improving efficiency as well as customer & employee experience using GenAI


The Client


ARAG has been committed to making legal services available to everyone. For over 60 years, they have been doing this through constant innovation and continuously pushing the boundaries. The company’s strength lies in finding the right balance between human expertise and technological innovation, striving for continuous growth and improvement, and accessible legal support for all. With an eye to the future, ARAG is determined to maintain its position as one of the leaders in legal services by continuing to invest in digitalisation and optimising customer service.

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Key outcomes

In collaboration with ARAG, we have developed a powerful GenAI legal assistant, which provides a solid technical basis for future functionalities.

  • Smart, intuitive features which support ARAG's legal advisors in saving time and money while improving the experience of both customers and employees.
  • Significant time savings thanks to legal advisors having all the important information directly at their disposal, therefore improving case handling efficiency.
  • Financial savings related to the costs of claims handling, with the potential for even greater savings in the future.
The Challenge

ARAG needed to improve the efficiency of its claims handling process

Their existing claims handling process was largely dependent on human input, which was both costly and time-consuming.

With 1,061,000 insurance policies, over 123,000 customers requesting legal advice by telephone per year and over 60,000 cases, ARAG was looking to invest in claims resolution and make handling more efficient and more accurate. The claim-handling process was largely dependent on human capacity & knowledge, which was costly and time-consuming. 

Current developments in AI technology can deliver faster and more efficient outcomes to support legal counsellors with selected parts of the claim-handling process, helping them to keep legal services available and affordable to everyone. Thus, technology can be leveraged in aspects of the process that can benefit from it, allowing legal counsellors more time to focus on the parts of the process that use their human strengths and capabilities. 

The company recently moved away from legacy systems towards a modern architecture and was now looking ahead to improve services through the use of new technology. However, quality and reliability remain key conditions in the legal process. The overarching goal is to shorten the average claim handling time and improve both customer and employee experience. We collaborated with ARAG as a strategic partner to take the first steps in reaching this ambitious goal.

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The Solution

An AI proof of concept designed to accelerate scalability and improve security

The process started in October 2023 with a 7-week proof of concept (PoC) approach, built upon two key pillars of Data Preparation and Solution, intending to prove what the technical opportunities were with the existing dataset.

We focused on rapid iteration by testing 6 different features, focusing on technical feasibility and business value. For example, supporting legal counsellors with an intelligent solution that processes large volumes of historical claims and provides accurate draft treatment plans to shorten case treatment time. Our core team of four worked alongside the respective subject-matter experts at AND and ARAG. 

The ultimate goal of the POC was to improve scalability and security. During the process, we made sure we fully grasped the structure and content of the cases so we ultimately achieved the desired value-driven solution. We worked within the AND Digital data governance framework, thus ensuring there was no compromise on sensitive data or systems, the systems aligned with fair and safe principles, and governing bodies (e.g. GDPR) were clear, open and monitored. 

As the working POC convincingly proved the technical feasibility and desirability of the business case, we continued to work on the next phase, the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). We organised several interviews and workshops with legal experts, ensuring that we were not just implementing a technical solution, but were adding actual value for users and developing solutions that fit seamlessly with existing working practices. This co-creation process led to a working Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which was recently launched for ARAG’s Employment Law division.

We not only developed the software but also ensured that ARAG could take ownership of it by involving them intensively throughout the development process. We supported the ARAG team in implementing new ways of working and building the capabilities to further manage and develop this solution. Additionally, to promote organisation-wide adoption of the software, we organised workshops and an AI hackathon for ARAG teams, which were very positively rated at 4.8 out of 5. The events effectively helped to manage the initially hesitant and sometimes sceptical attitude employees might have towards big changes ahead. 


The AI Legal Assistant delivers significant value by empowering our lawyers in their work. They now spend less time searching for relevant information and can focus more on the core legal issues. Moreover, this project has also helped us build valuable AI expertise and capabilities within ARAG, strengthening our ability to stay future-ready.

Lisette Kaupmann Manager Digital Innovation of ARAG
Key Technologies

Future state architecture underpinned by Azure cloud

With the help of an OpenAI API tool, Large Language Models are used to generate the overall case report, with a clear summary and a list containing all the key information the legal counsellors require. In this case, this included a list of employment data, such as salary, role and contractual conditions. The OpenAI service was securely hosted in the existing ARAG cloud environment. The full process was aimed at implementing a consistently technically secure solution that can be scaled for growth in the future in line with ARAG’s needs.

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Streamlined legal case management with unprecedented speed, precision and efficiency

The seamlessly integrated Salesforce tool offers relevant and correct information, allowing legal counsellors working on cases to efficiently decrease case-handling time.

This integration allows users to access our AI features directly within their familiar environment, eliminating the need to switch between different applications. It contains efficient features that make usage easy and intuitive and enable users to use their time more effectively. We have opted for a style that complements Salesforce's without clashing, yet maintains a distinct ARAG identity – warm, sophisticated and more focused.

The feedback and metrics from the MVP phase will be thoroughly assessed. The results will be used to add additional functionalities and adapt current functionalities if necessary, before we start working on the adaptation of the system for the other divisions within ARAG. Working with the same technology, the contents of the tool will be tailor-made for each division, as the processes and the content differ per field.

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What makes this collaboration with AND Digital so special is that it feels like a joint project where we are taking steps together. It’s not the traditional client-consultant relationship, but truly a partnership. AND Digital is just as committed to the success of the AI Legal Assistant as we are, and their involvement goes beyond just financial interests – they genuinely stand behind the product and want it to succeed.

Lisette Kaupmann Manager Digital Innovation of ARAG
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