
Our shared values drive us to make a remarkable impact globally - for our clients, our ANDis, and our communities.


Wonder, Share, Delight

Every ANDi follows the same three values: Wonder, Share, and Delight. These values keep us true as we work hard to close the world’s Digital Skills Gap. Having happy ANDis that live and breathe these values also directly impacts the quality of our work and the remarkable outcomes we drive for our clients.


There’s no end to our curiosity; we love to explore the impossible, the ‘what ifs’ - but we love to make them a reality even more.


We want to raise the bar and smash ceilings; we do this by giving back and lifting up, helping others to grow alongside us.


Good is a given; we demand more. We look for joy in the work we do, delivering services and products that people love and value.

A seat at the table

Everyone at AND Digital has a 'seat at the table'. Our iconic red chair photos represent this ethos, and our commitment to psychological safety makes this a reality.

We make sure that our people (ANDis) not only feel like they get a seat at the table, but that they actually get it:


  • Owned by ANDis - we build shares into every employee contract. Each year a trading window opens, and everyone is given the opportunity to buy more or sell their shares.
  • ANDi representative on the non-executive Board - every year every ANDi has the opportunity to apply to be part of the non-executive board of directors for a whole 12 months.


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Bringing our whole selves to work

Our AND titles are quirky additions to our regular job titles that provide insight into our hobbies, passions, and personalities. Introduced a decade ago, these "ANDs" like "UX Designer AND Puzzle Ninja" or "Cloud Engineer AND Sports Biker" create a welcoming culture where all our ANDis feel comfortable bringing their authentic, whole selves to work. By highlighting both our professional capabilities and personal interests, our AND titles spark conversations, help our ANDis find their tribes of like-minded colleagues, and empower continuous personal growth.

Learn more

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A place for everybody

We believe that people are just as important as technology - and we’re all more than just our job titles. That’s why we bring our whole selves to work, and have what’s known as AND Titles - titles that celebrate some of our hobbies, interests and personality traits. The things that make us, us.

Our board level Social, Ethics and Inclusion (SEI) committee is made up of ANDis who champion diversity and inclusion, social impact, and ethics across the organisation.

The committee has pledged to make AND Digital a great place to work, and ensures we’re operating according to our values and business principles. Supporting all of our people in the best possible way. Together, they develop and review the SEI vision, oversee the company’s commitment to it, and progress on its delivery.

In addition, we have dedicated communities set up to provide additional support and increase awareness across AND Digital for:

  • Women in tech
  • BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic)
  • LGBTQ+
  • Working Parents
  • Distinguishing Differences (neurodiversity and disability)




Want to know more?

See our values in action for yourself as we build your products, platforms, and capabilities together.